Диплом Даниэлова
Business Requirements
Grigory Labzin
Semantic Web
Dmitry Dyachenko
WordNet based QA system
Denis Zahozhy
Jade - JESS based expert system
Diplom of Dyachenko Dmitry
WordNet based QA system - zip-file
Homepage of Volkov
I have developed a generic method for local refinement and simplification for triangular meshes which maintains good aspect ratios for the triangles, exploits frame-to-frame coherence and can be used with various refinement rules, including Ѓг3- and N-adic refinement rules. I have applied it to cloth simulation, terrain visualization and multiresolution modeling. Also I have developed a storage layout scheme suitable for this method, which efficiently deals with massive data common for visualization applications.

I have received M.Eng. in Computer Engineering at NTU, Singapore, in 2003, M.S. and B.S. in Applied Physics and Mathematics at MIPT, Russia, in 2002 and 2000 respectively. You can find more details in my resume.

My research interests include multiresolution meshes, physically-based simulation and terrain visualization.

Dmitry Kulakov
Text Vizualisation
QA links

Диплом Сергея Протасова
Методы фильтрации информации в сети Интернет.
Диплом Первушина Владимира
Распознавание рукописных шрифтов. Диплом написан в Сингапурском Техническом Университете в 2003 году.
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